Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Thursday July 12, 2018

Buttered Yam -- Week 5

Our home consists of grandparents, their son, grandkids and foster children.  We put up siding and soffit, insulation, drywall and installed a door on their home addition.  As the college crew, we were able to split up into smaller teams to effectively tackle our assigned tasks for the week.  Billy (father) often checked on us and opened up to us about how thankful he was for our help and stressed that the world needs more people like us and that we are a blessing to him and his family, which really touched ne.  As a seventh year ASP volunteer, this was one of my best experiences.  I was able to establish a strong relationship with Billy that will last a lifetime.

Billy Gitler

WEDNESDAY July 11, 2018

As a third year ASP participant, I was extremely excited to come to Scott County, TN.  This year I am luckily on a double crew, Sharp Cheddar 1 and 2.  The more people, the more fun!  On m crew, I have Bill and Joel as awesome crew leaders, as well as Mallory Devine, Fiona, Josh, Micheal and myself, Jenna Costantino.  Our projects include siding, building the bathroom and other construction around the house.  We just finished day three and left the worksite feeling proud of what we've gotten done so far.  I feel very blessed to have such a hard working fun and light hearted crew.  At the end of each work day of course I feel exhausted, but I always leave with a smile on my face.  I can't wait to see our finished projects at the end of the week!
Jenna Costantino

TUESDAY July 10, 2018

Habenero Chile staring: Paul G, Laura Still, Matt D, Mike S, Katy T, Betsy F and Kevin R.

Hello everyone at home!  I hope you're having a great week because we sure are.  Our crew in the time we have been here has been able to bond amazingly.  Our project though fun has offered us some surprise plumbing and drywall.  We've been spending lots of time chilling under the house measuring pipes and even more playing with the adorable puppy (Bash), the kittens, and our super fun home owners.  So far it's shaping up to be a great week. Katy T.

MONDAY July 9, 2018

Tangelo 2 staring Jill, Dwight, Owen, Connor, Kayla, Natalie, and Nicole

We have the pleasure of working on 2 bedrooms of a wonderful couple!  Today we started by sanding the spackle that was put on last week by the previous group.  After the sanding was cleaned up (off the floors and the kids!) a second coat of spackle' - a thin coat - was applied to the walls.  We cleaned up the spackle mess and headed back to the center hot and tired, but so glad we had such a productive first day!