Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day One Adult Appalachian Trip Feb 2011

Members of this year's adult work group includes: John Almendinger, John Casale, John O'Melia, Betsy Kamienowski, Jane and Ted Settle. Our assignment for this week is to put a porch on the front of Loraine's house, our host for the week. The porch is to be 14 X 8. Steps coming down to a platform and then continuing with a second set of steps to the ground. In addition we are to finish another porch of the side of her house by adding spindles to the existing porch structure, and facing boards on the step risers. Paul also found out that Loraine would like a gate on this porch. Today we dug six post holes at least 30 inches deep and 18 inches in circumference and set and leveled the posts so that on Tuesday, after the inspector checked out our work we could mix and pour the concrete around the posts. The three Johns, Betsy and Ted began the digging the holes for the posts, cutting through some rocks and nearer the foundation of the house clay. The long pry bars came in very handy as did the post-hole diggers. Paul began cutting the spindles to complete the porch and then Jane, Betsy and Paul attached the spindles. John A and John O helped add some facing pieces to the porch steps. Loraine came out frequently and carried on conversations with any one who would listen. In addition her dogs and one cat kept us company. Pictures of the first day accompany the blog (look at the pictures from the end to the beginning, that is the correct order).

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