Sunday, August 2, 2009

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."

What did I get myself into? How would I possibly be able to do this? Sleep "dorm style" with at least 20 other women, most of whom I didn't know? Sleep, eat, shower...ALL dormitory style! THAT was my "worst of times". And you know what? Not bad at all. In fact, I will leave this ASP experience with many new friends. From Carol who came to WV with ASP via Maryland. To the Friedrich/Flannely clan (who I'm still trying to figure out...Sarah belongs to who???). OK, we may not have had dessert every night - bad. But nitely runs to DQ? Thats definitely a GOOD...or maybe a it was a DQ BRAZiER - so I took that as a sign that God MUST have been smiling on us!
My "best of times":
6:00 Wake-up with the "Coffee Crew" and hearing the jokes of the previous evening (the funniest ones always came from the guys)
Hugs...PLENTY of them
My BEAR picture
The Wasp "Ninja"
The bracelet Sarah made me with the penny the train flattened
Cassie telling me she loved my curley hair
Everyone on my crew who let me get away with things only a "newbie" could (and not telling me)
Being the only crew that actually prepared AND sang their theme song (thanks Amy! - bragging rights are always good)
Being one of the few people to have actually seen the bear (YES, BRAGGING RIGHTS ARE VERY GOOD!)
Roy, Rosebud and Andrea and being able to bring some sunshine (both figuratively and literally) into their lives
Amy, Bubba, Destiny and Alex. Here's to hoping that we will be able to help them get "warmer, safer, drier" to
Thursday night's picnic and being able to introduce Andy to my "families"
Babies, dogs, and PUPPIES
West Virginia

Note: this was written in WV, but posted late. Sorry for the delay.

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