Wednesday, July 3, 2019

ASP Day 1

Initially we had been informed that our teams main job would be flooring. However when we arrived at the ASP center we were told that we would be painting the first day. Throughout that day, we painted the ceiling, repainted the entire room, sanded the framing around the window and door, and painted those as well. We also took measurements of the room we would be flooring the next day. Overall the group worked efficiently and kept a positive attitude throughout the day.

My Crew is Paul G, Billy G, Juliana, Scott D, Matt S, and Billy F.
My name is Lila, and I am an ASP volunteer. I am on Midnight Flyer, with Holly, Betsy, Michelle, Rob C and John A. On our site, we’re working on flooring, plumbing  and painting. Today we sanded down the walls and got started on painting. We also gently removed the kitchen flooring and the bathroom tiling. After a hearty lunch of PB&J and bananas (which I didn’t peel correctly apparently) we hung out with our family and got to know them better. We had fun singing country music courtesy of Michelle’s iPhone. We still have to finish the painting, finish gently removing the flooring of the bathroom, and finish flooring in the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. It’ll be a busy week!

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Hi.  We are leaving today.  Hope you have a great day.  We will be posting again after we arrive and have our first work day.  Thanks for being here.  Come back Tuesday to see what we are doing.
