Our final day was a full work push to complete a variety of projects.
Tim set Mary up to lead the evening prayer before dinner - to which she rose well to the occasion. We had the opportunity to invite our families to the center for dinner and a presentation from John and "the famous" DJ - panther wrestler. It was wonderful to sit down to share a family style meal and coffee with them.
George made a warm welcome to Donna and her daughter in law Nikki and two of her children Hanna and Joseph who just turned 10 on Thursday, and little Joshua Donna's grandson who is three but could only hold up two fingers at a time! Following that the evening ended with card playing, guitar playing, singing, and always, always sprinkles of laughter.
Saturday morning both the 6:00 am departure group and the 7:00 departure group got a wake up call at 5:25 ( that's A.M.) from the building alarm system.... This author doesn't know for sure but rumor has it Mickey set it off! Val's response was "geeez you guys, do we really need the lights on?
Steve relayed that this trip at such a needed time, to do and think and act about the important things in life. He did a wonderful job of leading devotions for the group each day, and we thank him.
Mary and Debbie set off with John Casale , Sue Anderson and Tim Buckley in the lead.
The remaining caravan of John A, Betsy, George. And Val, Steve, Mickey. and Kerry, Mark and Johnny O will be departing with bittersweet feelings to be consoled by breakfast at Biscuit World!
-Betsy K.