Today was the last day of being on our site. Our crew, Ray Markunas, Doug O'Melia, Peter Friedrich, Sam Bruno, Danika Yacik, Kim Hutchins and myself have worked all week to get a new kitchen floor installed for Doris, our homeowner.
Doris is a very sweet person who takes care of her daughter Tina's four girls, who range in age from 2-12. In addition to these six individuals, she also has her son his girlfriend living with her. Doris used to work in the coal mones but had to quit after getting hurt. Throughout the day, Doris gets many visitors and enjoys talking to all of her cousins and neighbors who stop by.
Our goal today was to get the water heater hooked back-up, all the kitchen flooring down, some installation installed in the part of the kitchen you couldn't get to from underneath the house and all the appliances back in their place. It was a very tall order and when we took a break for lunch at 1:30 I was not sure we would get it all done.
We were all beginning to get very exhausted and it was difficult to ramp back up after lunch. (Lunches are always an experience with our crew!) We did eventually get back on track because we had a goal to reach. Lots more cutting was needed to fit the OSB, the shims and the cross beams nailed into place. The sun was beating down on everyone and the two youngest girls, Kinsey and Kassidy wanted someone to play with them, but we continued on.
During a small break from the sun, Doris began talking about how raising the four girls with little help from their mother and how everything in general was very difficult for her. She said she prayed to God to make things easier and to help her get through this timein her life. I was a little speachless and really didn't know what to say. I then turned to her and said that we were here to help her and I hoped that we made it a little easier on her this week. It was a very moving moment.
Many individuals say that people are brought into our lives for a minute, a week, a year or a lifetime for a reason. We may never know why we are brought into people's lives but there is a reason. Nothing is a coincedence and this became crystal clear to me when I thought back on this specific conversation. We were not only there to help Doris and her family but she was there to help us. When I think back on the experience with Doris a memory will pop into my mind and something new will be revealed to me. It may be about Doris, one of our crew, about ASP, about West Virginia or nothing that relates to this trip at all but it will be special and will be different for each one of us. God works in mysterious ways and we have to trust in his power and the message he has decided to reveal to us.
We did get all the OSB down and nailed in place, the water heater hooked back-up and some installation installed in the kitchen. Next week's crew will finish up her kitchen with luann and tile. She is so excited to have a warm house this winter and firmly believes that the Lord has brought ASP to her to help her out.
Tricia Flynn